Mark O’English
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About our photograph collections
We have almost half a million images in our historical photograph collections, including photographic prints, slides, and negatives.
We have photographs from the late 1800s to the present that offer a wealth of visual documentation for the study of human and material culture on the WSU campus, the city of Pullman, the Palouse region and the Inland Northwest, and of the Pacific Northwest.
The William Barkhuff Collection 1892-1921 includes some of the earliest images of WSU. Barkhuff enrolled at WSU on opening day in 1892. The Charles R. Pratsch Collection documents the early history of the Washington towns of Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Grays Harbor. It also includes 64 portraits of citizens of the Quinault Indian Nation. This collection helps trace the effects of erosion and logging along the Pacific Coast. The McWhorter Collection documents the history of the Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) Tribe and the Yakama Nation. Lucullus V. McWhorter took portraits and images of battle grounds to illustrate books and pamphlets concerning the rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Avery Collection includes photo negatives taken between 1901 and 1916 when Frank Fuller Avery worked for the Colville Indian Agency. The images record agency personnel, agency headquarters, and farmers and schoolchildren from the Colville Tribes.
Collection Guides
Collection Guides (also called Finding aids) is the generic term for various guides, inventories, registers, lists and indexes that describe items or the parts within individual manuscript/photograph collections. These Collection Guides provide an overview of our photographic collections in varying degrees of descriptive detail. The following list is dynamic and will be extended systematically over time. A-G H-L M-P R-YA
- Adams, Hubert Scrapbook of Taiwan under Japanese Occupation Photographs, 1935
- Adams, Roy WSC Cadet Photographs, 1900-1942
- Aerial Photographs, 1935-1957
- Album of Cabinet Card Portraits, ca. 1890-1900
- Alaska: travel during the Klondike Gold Rush, ca. 1900-1905
- Andrews, Wesley Photographs, ca. 1915
- Applequist, Harry “Hack” WSU Athletic Photographs, 1906-1966
- Architectural Engineering Department Lantern Slides, 1927-1941
- Architecture Student at Washington State College (Donald Howard Murray), Photograph Album, circa early 1940s
- Ashpaugh Family Photographs, 1890’s-1907
- Avery, Frank Fuller Photographs from the Colville Indian Agency, 1901-1916
- Baenen, James Native American Slides, 1962-1979
- Barkhuff, William Delbert Photographs, 1892-1921
- Beckman, Joseph Photographs of Long Lake Dam Construction, 1910-1915
- Bedirian, George Photographs of Palouse Landscapes, 1985
- Blackwell, Frederick Warn Slides of “The Northern Idaho of F. A. Blackwell, ca. 1904-10,” 1976
- Boland, Marvin D. Photographs “1938 Views: Eastern State Hospital, Medical Lake, Washington,” 1938
- Brians, Paul Photographs, 1991-2007
- Briggs, Paul Washington State College Photographs, 1950-1953
- Broyles, Joseph Earl Train Photographs, 1880-1954
- Bryan, President Enoch Photographs and Glass Negatives, 1860-1985
- Burgess, Howard Collection of Walla Walla Area Photographs, 1907-1964
- Bundy, Murray Photographs of Musicians, ca. 1930s-1940s
- Camp Larson Scrapbooks and Photographs, 1950-1997
- Canadian Rockies Prints, 1905
- Card Photo Glass Negatives of Garfield WA, ca. 1915-1917
- Cascade Locks, Oregon Photographs, 1894-1895
- Chalcraft-Pickering Photographs, 1862-1941
- Chalfant, Frank C. Language Laboratory Photographs, 1910s
- Clemans, E.G. (Earle George) Photographs, 1903-1910
- China (Post-Boxer) Photograph Album, ca. 1901
- Columbia Basin Project Photographs, ca. 1952-1958
- Columbia River Basin Dam Oversized Photographs, 1951-1968
- Columbia River Highway Photographs, 1940
- Columbia River Light Ship No. 50 Album, 1901
- Connette, Earl Locomotive and Northwestern Scene Photographs 1950s-1970s
- Cooper Publications Building Departmental Photographs, 1949-2001
- Curtis, Edward S. White Man Runs Him Photogravure, 1908
- Daubenmire, Rexford Ecological Images, 1931-1992, bulk 1931-1976
- Daubenmire, Rexford Ecological Images, 1920s
- Davis, Wildey R Photographs, 1905-1968
- Doelle Family Photographs, 1910-1941
- Drucker Photographs of Korea and Japan, 1910-1940s
- Drumheller, Thomas Photographs of Sheep, 1909-1960
- Edgerton Album of WSC and Family Photographs, 1906-1913
- Endicott Families Negatives, ca. 1953-1958
- European Postcards, ca. 1920s
- Evans Family WSC Postcards Collection, 1911-1915.
- Feves, Betty Scrapbook, 1920s-1937
- Filipino American Student Association (WSU) Photographs, 1998-1999
- Fishing and Hunting Album, ca. 1890s
- Foley, Thomas S., Photographs, 1905-1995, bulk 1964-1994
- Gardner, Alexander Photographs of British Boundary Commission Photographs, ca. 1865-1867
- Garfield, WA, Pullman, WA and Washington State College Photographs, ca. 1900s-1920s
- Gilbaugh, William “Gil” Photographic Negatives, 1960s-1980s
- Gillis, Roy Photographic scrapbook, 1917-1919
- Girard, Alexandar and Colin MacKenzie Photographs, circa 1902-1921
- Glacier National Park Pictorial, 1912
- Grand Coulee Dam and Columbia Basin Project Photographs, 1935-1950
- Graves, Clarence Eugene Photographs, 1907-1947.
- Haas, John I. Photographs Hop Picking, Cleaning and Drying, ca. 1940-1945
- Hanford, White Bluffs, and Hanford Nuclear Site Images, 1900-1980 (bulk 1909-1945)
- Hanson, Raymond A. Photographs, ca. 1950s
- Haynes, Franklin Jay Photographs, ca. 1883-1900
- Henderson, John P. Photograph Collection, 1936-1990
- Henderson, Otto Hogue Photographs of Quincy, Washington, 1900-1961
- Hilltopics Photographs, 1970-2001
- Hirahara, George and Frank C. Photograph Collection of Heart Mountain, Wyoming, 1932-2012
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
- Holbert Collection of Idaho Mines and Families Photographs, ca. 1918-1929
- Hooper, Leonard Albums and Boyd Family Postcards, 1909-1924
- Horseback tour of North Cascades, Washington State Photo Album, 1915
- Hoskins, Florence Family Photo Album, 1897-1898
- Howard, Julian Photographs, 1906-1918
- Howard, Mart Albert Papers and Photographs of the Klondike, 1897-1915
- Howell, Katherine Ross Student Teaching Photo Album, 1916
- Howell, Rollin Photographs of Wheat Harvesting near Albion, 1904-1909
- Huckle, Myron Samuel Photographs of Washington State University, 1924-1930
- Hudson, Will Photographs of Washington State College, 1898-1905
- Hutchison Studio Photographs of WSU and Pullman, WA, 1927-1973
- Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center Photographs, 1919-1969
- Irwin, Archie E. Photographs and Glass Negatives of Elberton WA, ca. 1900s-1950s
- Jackson, William Henry Yellowstone National Park Prints, 1871-1872
- James, Florida Virginia Hill Papers, 1909-1950
- Jenkins, Olaf Pitt Geology Lantern Slides, 1910s-1928
- Jewett, George Frederick Naval History Collection, 1900-1955
- Kaiser, Verle G. Photographs, 1934-1977
- Kies, Paul Philemon Photographs, 1950-1970
- Kimball, Wildey “Bud” Photographs, 1959-1980
- King, Arthur E Photographs of Colfax, 1894-1913
- Kinsey, Darius Military Logging Unit Photographs, 1918
- La Roche Photographs, ca. 1891
- Lenggenhager, Wegner Photographs, 1959-1967
- Lewis, J.O. Collection of Photographs of Native American Schools, ca. 1895-1900
- Lewis, Richard T. Photographs, 1937-1961
- Library Orientation Photographs, ca. 1946-1955
- Lomen Brothers Photographs of Alaska, 1920-1932
- Maris, H.E. Toppenish Roundup and Rodeo Photographs, 1914
- Marsh, Tim Photographs (compact discs) of WSU and Pullman, 2004-2011
- MASC Negative Files, 1970-2002
- Mathis, George Photo and Art Collection, ca. 1915-1970
- Matsura, Frank S. Photographs, 1907-1913
- McElroy, Ross Washington State College Photographs, 1909-1913
- McFaddin, Irwin C. Photographs of WSU, 1965
- McWhorter, Lucullus V. Photographs
- Meinert, Lawrence D. Photographs of Russia and the Former Soviet Union, 1982-1998
- Meinert, Lawrence D. Photographs of Flooding, 1996
- Melander, A. L. Photographs, ca. 1900s-1920s
- Military Posts: Cape Disappointment, Washington Territory, and Others, ca. 1880
- Moscow-Pullman Daily News Photograph Collection, 1970s-2004
- Mount Rainier National Park, ca. 1900-1910
- Murrow, Edward R. Photographs, 1909-1964
- Murrow Symposium Video Recordings, 1978
- Nalder, Frank Feilding Photographs of Reformatories, 1913-1914
- Nash, Irwin Photographs of Yakima Valley Migrant Labor, 1967-1976
- Nelson, H. G. Logging Photographs, ca. 1900-1920
- Newlin, Edith Photographs, ca. 1890-1930
- Nez Perce Photographs, ca. 1877-1905
- North Central Washington, Columbia Basin, and Grand Coulee Reclamation, Irrigation and Farming Photographs 1905-1954
- North Pacific Grain Growers Scrapbook & Photographs, 1918-1982
- Nunemaker, John Horace Photographs of Mexico, ca. 1900-1910
- Palouse Conservation Field Station Photographs of Soil Conservation, 1929-1965
- Panoramic Photograph of Chemawa Indian School, circa 1900-1920
- Pickett, Ferman Layton Papers, ca. 1912-1938
- Pine Manor (WSC) Scrapbook, 1938-1958
- Poulsen, Edward Drawings, 1959-1964
- Pratsch, Charles R. Photographs, 1888-1913
- Pullman CCC Camp Scrapbook, 1935-1940
- Pullman Womens Golf Club Scrapbooks, 1935-2006
- Reisenauer, Carl Family Photographs, 1904-1942
- Richey, Sue Glenn Pi Beta Phi Photographs, 1954-1958
- Ritchey, George Photographs of Pullman, 1897-1910
- Robbins, Lloyd Photographs of Pullman, ca. 1895-1900
- Rudy’s Studio Portraits, 1973-1975
- San Francisco Earthquake Photographs, 1906
- Sandwith, Colin Collected WSC and Pullman Postcards, 1909-1911
- Scheuerman, Richard Photographs, 1853-1977
- Singleton Photographs of WSU, 1979
- Shirrod, Ivan Collection of Pullman Area Postcards, ca. 1890-1970
- Spokane, Washington, In and Around Photograph Album, 1889
- Stephen, James Photographs of Alaska and Mexico, 1898-1908
- Stereoscopic Viewer and Tourism Cards, 1894-1913
- Strandberg-Disney Family Photographs of Garfield, WA, ca. 1905-1923s
- Stimson, William Collection of Photographs of WSU and Pullman, 1890s-1980s
- Swanger, Lloyd Forest Service Photographs, 1950s-1971
- 10th Field Artillery Regiment Hike Album, 1936
- Tolmachëva, Marina Images from Europe and Asia, 1955-2003
- Ullin, Chet Photographs of Celilo Falls, ca. 1940s
- United States Forest Service Photographs, 1917-1922
- Victor, Arthur E. Civilian Conservation Corps Photographs and Slides, 1927-1944
- View-Master & Tourism Reels, 1946-1951
- Walker Family Photographs, 1895-1925
- Waller, Osmar Photographs, ca. 1890s
- Walter, Bill Studio Photographs, ca. 1890-1978
- Washington Coast Photographs, undated
- Washington Forest Protection Association Aerial Maps, 1937-1968
- Washington Agricultural College and Personal Photographs, 1895-1901
- Washington State Magazine Slides, 2001-2006
- Washington State — Tacoma, Olympia and Mt. Rainier Photograph Album, circa 1900
- Wegner, Earl Edward Veterinary Medicine Photographs and Scrapbooks, 1905-1947
- Wenaha Tucannon Wilderness Photographs, 1967-1976
- Western Washington Lumbering Photo Album, circa 1890s
- Western Washington Research and Extension Center Photographs, 1913-1923
- White, Cull A. Photographs and Negatives, 1861-1950
- Wilkin Photo Service Steamboat Photographs, 1890-1922
- Will Photographs of WSC and Pullman, bulk 1908-1912
- Wilson Family Photographs Farmers near Colton, WA, 1895-1928
- Wolf, Christopher C. Postcards and Family Photographs, 1896-1946
- WSU Agricultural Extension Service Photographs, 1915-1958
- WSU Alumni Association Slides, 1959-2003
- WSU Athletics Photographs, 1900-2013 (bulk 1980-1997)
- WSU Board of Student Publications, Chinook Photographs, 1974-1979
- WSU Building Since the End of the War, 1946-1948
- WSU Buildings Photographs, 1892-
- WSU CAHNRS and Extension Marketing and News Services Biographical Files and Slides, 1969-2009
- WSU Capital Planning College Hill Buildings Photographs, 2000-2001
- WSU College of Agriculture Photographs, 1910-1981
- WSU College of Engineering and Architecture Photographs, 1964-1987
- WSU College of Engineering and Architecture Photographs, 1960-1987
- WSU College of Engineering and Architecture Photographs, 1956-2000
- WSU College of Engineering Photo Album, ca. 1926
- WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Photographs of students, 1914-1971
- WSU Department of Physical Education for Women Photographs, ca. 1914-1970
- WSU Foundation Town Centre Building Photographs, 2002-2003
- WSU Glass Negatives, 1901-1913
- WSU Instructional Lantern Slides, ca. 1890-1949
- WSU Instructional World Civilizations Lantern Slides, ca. 1890-1930s
- WSU Lantern Slides, ca. 1892-1944
- WSU Library Photographs, 1978-1997
- WSU News and Information Services Photographs, 1960-1985
- WSU News and Information Services Photographs, 1982-2002
- WSU Office of Student Media Chinook Photographs, 1955-1984
- WSU Office of Student Media Evergreen and Chinook Photographs, 1921-2007
- WSU Office of Student Media Evergreen Photographs, 1989-1990
- WSU Office of University Publications and Printing/WSU Press Photographs, 1948-1983
- WSU Office of University Publications and Printing Photographs, 1983-1996
- WSU Photographs, Subject File, 1892
- WSU Regents Hill Halls Photographs, 2000-2006
- WSU School of Music Records and Photographs, 1922-1977
- WSU Scrapbooks, 1892-1939
- WSU Speech Department Debate Team Photographs, 1928-1957
- WSU Theatre and Dance Photographs, 1950-2001
- WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital Construction Photographs, 1993-1996
- Yellowstone National Park Pictorials, ca. 1890s-1920s
- Yocom, Charles Photographs of Inland Northwest Geography, 1942-1953
- Young Women’s Christian Association Photographs, 1913-1965
Collection Guides Organized by Subject
For user convenience, the following list of selected digitized collection guides has been arranged according to broad subject categories. This list will be expanded over time, as new archival finding aids are digitized and as new photographic collections are processed. Users should consult these guides for more detailed descriptions of collection contents.Agriculture
- Burgess, Howard Collection of Walla Walla Area Photographs, 1907-1964
- Drumheller, Thomas Photographs of Sheep, 1909-1960
- Haas, John I. Photographs Hop Picking, Cleaning and Drying, ca. 1940-1945
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
- Howell, Rollin Photographs of Wheat Harvesting near Albion, 1904-1909
- Kaiser, Verle G. Photographs, 1934-1977
- Lewis, Richard T. Photographs, 1937-1961
- North Pacific Grain Growers Photographs, 1918-1982
- Palouse Conservation Field Station Photographs of Soil Conservation, 1929-1965
- Walter, Bill Studio Photographs, ca. 1890-1978
- WSU Agricultural Extension Service Photographs, 1915-1958
- WSU CAHNRS and Extension Marketing and News Services Biographical Files and Slides, 1969-2009
- WSU Department of Agricultural Engineering Records & Photographs, 1932-1974
Cities and Towns
- Ashpaugh Family Photographs, 1890’s-1907
- Barkhuff, William Delbert Photographs, 1892-1921
- Burgess, Howard Collection of Walla Walla Area Photographs, 1907-1964
- Card Photo Glass Negatives of of Garfield WA, ca. 1915-1917
- Davis, Wildey R Photographs, 1905-1968
- Henderson, Otto Hogue Photographs of Quincy, Washington, 1900-1961
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
- Howard, Mart Albert Papers and Photographs of the Klondike, 1897-1915
- King, Arthur E Photographs of Colfax, 1894-1913
- Matsura, Frank S. Photographs, 1907-1913
- Military Posts: Cape Disappointment, Washington Territory, and Others, ca. 1880
- Nalder, Frank Feilding Photographs of Reformatories, 1913-1914
- Pratsch, Charles R. Photographs, 1888-1913
- San Francisco Earthquake Photographs, 1906
- Stephen, James Photographs of Alaska and Mexico, 1898-1908
- Wolf, Christopher C. Postcards and Family Photographs, 1896-1946
- Wilson Family Photographs Farmers near Colton, WA, 1895-1928
Pullman, Washington
- Aerial Photographs, 1935-1957
- Barkhuff, William Delbert Photographs, 1892-1921
- Graves, Clarence Eugene Photographs, 1907-1947.
- Hutchison Studio Photographs of WSU and Pullman, WA, 1927-1973
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
- James, Florida Virginia Hill Papers, 1909-1950
- Meinert, Lawrence D. Photographs of Flooding, 1996
- Moscow-Pullman Daily News Photograph Collection, 1970s-2004
- Pullman Womens Golf Club Scrapbooks, 1935-2006
- Ritchey, George Photographs of Pullman, 1897-1910
- Robbins, Lloyd Photographs of Pullman, ca. 1895-1900
- Walter, Bill Studio Photographs, ca. 1890-1978
- Hanford, White Bluffs, and Hanford Nuclear Site Images, 1900-1980 (bulk 1909-1945)
- Kaiser, Verle G. Photographs, 1934-1977
- Kimball, Wildey “Bud” Photographs, 1959-1980
- Lewis, Richard T. Photographs, 1937-1961
- Nelson, H. G. Logging Photographs, ca. 1900-1920
- Pratsch, Charles R. Photographs, 1888-1913
- United States Forest Service Photographs, 1917-1922
Native Americans
- Avery, Frank Fuller Photographs from the Colville Indian Agency, 1901-1916
- Chalcraft-Pickering Photographs, 1862-1941
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
- Lewis, J.O. Collection of Photographs of Native American Schools, ca. 1895-1900
- Matsura, Frank S. Photographs, 1907-1913
- McWhorter, Lucullus V. Photographs
- Nez Perce Photographs, ca. 1877-1905
- Pratsch, Charles R. Photographs, 1888-1913
- Scheuerman, Richard Photographs, 1853-1977
- Ullin, Chet Photographs of Celilo Falls, ca. 1940s
- Broyles, Joseph Earl Train Photographs, 1880-1954
- Connette, Earl Locomotive and Northwestern Scene Photographs 1950s-1970s
- Haynes, Franklin Jay Photographs, ca. 1883-1900
- Historical Photographs, Subject File
Washington State University, WSU Faculty and Graduates
- Applequist, Harry “Hack” WSU Athletic Photographs, 1906-1966
- Barkhuff, William Delbert Photographs, 1892-1921
- Brians, Paul Photographs, 1991-2007
- Briggs, Paul Washington State College Photographs, 1950-1953
- Bryan, President Enoch Photographs and Glass Negatives, 1860-1985
- Camp Larson Scrapbooks and Photographs, 1950-1997
- Chalfant, Frank C. Language Laboratory Photographs, 1910s
- Filipino American Student Association Photographs, 1998-1999
- Hilltopics Photographs, 1970-2001
- Huckle, Myron Samuel Photographs of Washington State University, 1924-1930
- Hutchison Studio Photographs of WSU and Pullman, WA, 1927-1973
- Library Orientation Photographs, ca. 1946-1955
- Marsh, Tim Photographs (compact discs) of WSU and Pullman, 2004-2011
- Mathis, George Photo and Art Collection, ca. 1915-1970
- Meinert, Lawrence D. Photographs of Russia and the Former Soviet Union, 1982-1998
- Meinert, Lawrence D. Photographs of Flooding, 1996
- Murrow, Edward R. Photographs, 1909-1964
- Music School Records and Photographs, 1922-1977
- Nalder, Frank Feilding Photographs of Reformatories, 1913-1914
- Pine Manor Scrapbook, 1938-1958
- Poulsen, Edward Drawings, 1959-1964
- Stimson, William Collection of Photographs of WSU and Pullman, 1890s-1980s
- Washington Agricultural College and Personal Photographs, 1895-1901
- Will Photographs of WSC and Pullman, bulk 1908-1912
- WSC and Edgerton Family Photographs Album, 1906-1913
- WSU Agricultural Extension Service Photographs, 1915-1958
- WSU Athletics Photographs, 1900-2013 (bulk 1980-1997)
- WSU Board of Student Publications, Chinook Photographs, 1974-1979
- WSU Building Since the End of the War, 1946-1948
- WSU Buildings Photographs, 1892-
- WSU CAHNRS and Extension Marketing and News Services Biographical Files and Slides, 1969-2009
- WSU College of Agriculture Photographs, 1910-1981
- WSU College of Engineering and Architecture Photographs, 1964-1987
- WSU College of Engineering and Architecture Photographs, 1956-2000
- WSU College of Engineering Photo Album, ca. 1926
- WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Photographs of Students, 1914-1971
- WSU Department of Physical Education for Women Photographs, ca. 1914-1970
- WSU Foundation Town Centre Building Photographs, 2002-2003
- WSU Glass Negatives, 1901-1913
- WSU Lantern Slides, ca. 1892-1944
- WSU News and Information Services Photographs, 1960-1985
- WSU Office of Student Media Evergreen and Chinook Photographs, 1921-2007
- WSU Office of University Publications and Printing/WSU Press Photographs, 1948-1983
- WSU Office of University Publications and Printing Photographs, 1983-1996
- WSU Photographs, Subject File, 1892-
- WSU Scrapbooks 1892-1939
- WSU Speech Department Debate Team Photographs, 1928-1957
- Wegner, Earl Edward Veterinary Medicine Photographs and Scrapbooks, 1905-1947
- Western Washington Research and Extension Center Photographs, 1913-1923
- Young Women’s Christian Association Photographs, 1913-1965
Washington Territory 1853-1889
- Edwin L Chalcraft Chalcraft-Pickering Photographs, 1862-1941
- Charles Robert Pratsch Photographs, 1888-1913
- Broyles, Joseph Earl Train Photographs, 1880-1954
- Haynes, Franklin Jay Photographs, ca. 1883-1900
- Historical Photographs, Subject File