
Holland and Terrell Operating Hours Extended Permanently

Washington State University’s Holland and Terrell libraries will permanently extend near-round-the-clock operating hours for the upcoming academic year after feedback and requests from ASWSU. Beginning Sunday, Aug. 24, Holland and Terrell will open at 10 a.m. Sunday and remain open until 7:45 p.m. Friday. Saturday hours will be from 10 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Student […]
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Improvements to Search It Implemented May 12

Starting on May 12, the WSU community will see a number of improvements and increased functionality within Search It.  Listed below are an explanation of these changes: Permalinks will let you copy and paste a link from Search It to your notes, paper, or any document you may be working on.  This gives you a shortcut […]
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Through May 16: WSU Student Exhibit Explores Hanford’s Labor Force, Residents

Washington State University history graduate students studying the oral histories of the Hanford Site have created an exhibit of its labor force and residents, running through May 16 in the Terrell Library atrium exhibit case. “Hanford’s Voices: Exploring Labor at Hanford Through the Stories of its Residents” pulled together students from the Vancouver, Tri-Cities and […]
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New Digital Collection: Extension Bulletins Bear Fruits of Early Research, Outreach

For today’s information seekers, who can find answers in minutes with a few keystrokes, it’s hard to imagine a time when rural dwellers were cut off from knowledge for the most fundamental reasons. No electricity. No car. No phone. No nearby expert to explain why a cow gave birth to her calf prematurely. Such was […]
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April 23: National Poetry Month Activities Start at WSU Libraries

One of Lorena O’English’s favorite poems from her “misspent youth” is a cautionary tale about two maiden sisters, one of whom falls under the spell of goblin merchants selling fruit too good to be true. Only the strength of her sister’s love saves her. Creepiness factor aside, “Goblin Market,” composed by English poet Christina Rossetti […]
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Library Hours Again Extended for Dead Week, Finals

Back by popular demand, Washington State University students will have round-the-clock access to Holland and Terrell libraries during the last two weeks of the semester. The libraries will open at noon Sunday, April 27, and remain open 24/7 through 10 p.m. Friday, May 9. “We heard from quite a few students who were grateful for […]
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UNIV 300 Returns this Fall, Teaching Students to be Selective Researchers

Lotus Development Corp. founder Mitch Kapor spoke for the majority of uninitiated Web users when he said, “Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” Washington State University Libraries and the Office of Undergraduate Education are bringing back a class this fall that will teach university students to moderate […]
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April 3: Crimson Reads Celebrates Faculty-Authored Books

A faculty author’s road to publication may only be fully appreciated by the librarians who, whether offering information or an ear, walk the same road to bring that book to light. Trevor Bond, head of WSU’s Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, followed one faculty member’s progress for eight years. For the full WSU News story, […]
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Libraries, Museum of Anthropology Welcome History Students for Research Exploration

From sewing a miniature book binding to watching a demonstration of shaping a stone tool, nearly 200 eighth-graders from Lincoln Middle School recently took a whirlwind tour of library sciences and anthropological research at Washington State University to prepare for their final history project this spring. The teens visited the WSU Libraries and the WSU […]
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Library Anxiety: It’s Real and Students Can Beat It

As Washington State University classes resume this week, humanities/social sciences reference librarian Erica Nicol has just the remedy for new and returning students who get the heebie-jeebies just opening the doors to campus libraries. Her online guide explores the origins of library anxiety and offers tips for beating it ( For the full story, visit […]
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