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Upgrade to Book and Article Requests Coming This Summer!
Starting July 10th, interlibrary loan requesting will be easier and managed all in one place.
What you need to know:
As always, Interlibrary Loan allows you to request print copies of books, and digital copies of articles and book chapters, and receive them at no cost to you. With this upgrade it will be faster and easier to request items, but the basic service has not changed. You will now be able to make Summit, ILLiad, and Document Delivery requests all in one spot.
- Note for ILLiad users: Starting July 10th, you will no longer log in to ILLiad to make interlibrary loan requests. You will still be able to request all the same types of items as before, but you will make requests and download articles and book chapters in your Search It account, rather than in ILLiad.
This page will be updated with more information over the summer