
January Reference Item of the Month!

Happy 2013! January’s reference item of the month is Patrick Moore’s Data Book of Astronomy, a rich and compelling resource for anyone interested in exploring the mysteries of the universe! For more about this book an other reference items of the month, check out our website:
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SMART Board collaboration technology available in Group Study Rooms in Holland/Terrell Libraries

• Starting on Monday November 26th, Terrell 111/113 (The group study rooms closest to the Reference desk in the Holland and Terrell Library) will be available for booking through our LibCal Calendaring Service (check it out here ). We hope to expand the calendaring service to all of the HAT study rooms by next […]
Categories: News

WSU Libraries Seek Student and Faculty Feedback on Service Quality

LibQUAL+ 2012 WSU Libraries Seek Student and Faculty Feedback on Service Quality On November 2, 2012, a randomly selected group of Washington State University undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will receive an email message from the Dean of Libraries, inviting them to participate in a web-based survey designed to measure library service effectiveness from […]
Categories: News

Explore the Spooky and Weird with the Libraries’ Paranormal Libguide!

Halloween is getting closer!  Start celebrating now by looking through the spooky and strange resources available from the WSU Libraries.  Visit the Paranormal Libguide and browse books, videos, articles, and internet sources that are bound to spook and haunt you the rest of the year! The WSU Libraries’ Paranormal Libguide!
Categories: News

Largest-ever commitment to The Libraries at WSU

Longtime Washington State University supporters and alumni Mike and Liz Johnson are making the largest-ever commitment to The Libraries at WSU, a bequest valued at $3.2 million. By naming the libraries as beneficiary of their estate, the Kirkland, Wash., couple looks to ensure the libraries keep pace in the future with the ever-changing ways information […]
Categories: News

Library Excellence Award – 2012

The WSU Libraries would like to congratulate the winner of this year’s Library Excellence Award, Dr. Barbara A. Ward of the Department of Teaching and Learning. Ward has demonstrated her support of the libraries not only through the inclusion of a library component in her classes, but also through extraordinary personal generosity. Her donations of […]
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