
Summit Requesting to be Streamlined (coming January 20th)

Streamlined Summit Requesting through Search It Content from the thirty-seven libraries within the Orbis Cascade Alliance (Summit) is now fully integrated through the single search interface of Search It, and as a result of this integration, the Alliance will roll out enhancements to the Summit requesting process on January 20, 2015.  Some of the benefits of […]
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Associate Dean Beth Blakesley Named Editor-in-Chief of Top Library Journal

Beth Blakesley, associate dean of libraries at Washington State University, assumes leadership this month as editor-in-chief of the “Journal of Academic Librarianship” (JAL), one of the top publications in the academic libraries field. Established in 1975, the international and refereed journal publishes articles on issues related to college and university libraries. JAL provides information on […]
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Courtesy renewals for the beginning of school

As a courtesy to our users to aid in breaking in a new semester and in recognition that some users are unable to renew some material online the Libraries has decided to renew all items that are currently due during the first two weeks of the semester (1/13/2014 – 1/25/2014)  for our users that are […]
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WSU Libraries’ Updated Website Launches January 6th

WSU Libraries has taken the first step in updating the Libraries’ website, and rolls out an updated look on Monday, January 6th. “Our website did a great job for a long time,” said Web Services Librarian Ray Henry, “but with the launch of Search It and its new interface, we decided it was a good […]
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New Semester, New System: Search It Is Live!

The new shared library management service Search It was launched Wednesday, Dec. 18. Patrons can now use a single search box to find journals, books and digitized collections. They can also access some 9 million titles and 26 million resources from 36 other higher education institutions. For more about the changes, including a video introduction […]
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Libraries Join International Open Access Effort

Starting Jan. 1, Washington State University Libraries will join an international publishing initiative of more than 1,000 libraries, library consortia and research organizations to provide open access to articles published in high-energy physics research. The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) is the largest open access initiative ever created, according to […]
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Faculty discuss upcoming Search It system in Evergreen

Alex Merrill, Ray Henry and Beth Blakesley explain more about a new search system for WSU Libraries in a recent Daily Evergreen article. Search It will go live after finals week in December. To learn more about what the changes will mean for patrons, please visit the Libraries website.
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Veterinary society honors founder, historic collection

In 1978, acclaimed veterinary historian, educator, publisher and editor J. Frederick Smithcors donated his 1,200-volume personal library to the Washington State University Libraries. Thirty-five years later, the American Veterinary Medical History Society will host an all-day “Smithcors History of Veterinary Medicine Symposium” Sunday, July 21, in Chicago to honor the late WSU donor and AVMHS […]
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Search It Launches on Dec. 18

Washington State University students and faculty leaving campus after finals this week will see a change when they return in a month for spring semester: a new shared library management service called Search It. WSU Libraries is on track to launch the system on Dec. 18. Once it goes live, patrons will use a single […]
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Search It launch on track

WSU Libraries is on track to launch Search It, a new shared library management service, by the end of December. Once the system goes live, patrons can use a single search box to find journals, books and digitized collections. They also can access some 9 million titles and 26 million resources from 36 other higher […]
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