April 28: Poem in Your Pocket Day (Letterpress Edition) at Holland and Terrell Libraries

Friday, April 28, is the last weekday of National Poetry Month, and the Holland and Terrell Libraries are celebrating Poem in Your Pocket Day. Take a few minutes to visit the libraries and celebrate with us. You can browse the poetry collection in the Ruth Slonim Poetry Corner, read about a poet, write your own poem, or grab a poem to go. Remember: Keep a poem in your pocket / and a picture in your head / and you’ll never be lonely / at night when you’re in bed!

This year as a special opportunity, the libraries will feature Linnea Rash, WSU’s own library conservator, and the Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections’ letterpress! Come and set type for your own created haiku, or just watch the process. Rash and her letterpress will be available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. by the CUB entrance.