LibKey Nomad Browser Extension Improves Access to Scholarly Literature, E-books

WSU’s Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI), with support from the WSU Libraries, has rolled out the LibKey Nomad browser extension to the computers that the division maintains on campus. LibKey Nomad provides one-click access to library content on publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia, Google Scholar, and more. The tool allows users to move directly from a database to the PDF of an article, when available.

Social Sciences and Government Information Librarian Lorena O’English noted that library patrons may be using LibKey Nomad’s browser extension themselves as a remote access tool when they are off campus to get quick access to articles they find on Google Scholar, journal publisher platforms, and other sources without having to go through Search It.

“With the installation of the browser extension on AOI-managed computers on campus, instructors will be able to incorporate that immediate access to scholarly literature into their classroom activities as well,” O’English said.

In addition, LibKey Nomad increases access beyond scholarly articles to include e-books. When a user who has installed LibKey Nomad arrives at popular publisher sites and platforms that reference available e-books, the browser extension will indicate that access is available from the WSU Libraries, then connect the user to the e-book content.

To start using LibKey Nomad, install the extension for your browser. Several resources have been created that explain LibKey Nomad, including the WSU Libraries Remote Access page, the WSU ESFCOM Office of Technology page, and Third Iron’s product information page.