Through May: Animal Health Library Features Wildlife Photos by Vet Student

Not much is different about the two side-by-side photographs of fourth-year WSU veterinary student Seth Bynum. He’s seated in the back of the same Chevy Tahoe, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, shorts, sandals and long hair, holding up a hand-lettered sign with the words “Montana or Bust.”
But 14 years and 200,000 odometer miles separate the images, the first taken in 2001 in North Carolina and the second in 2015 in Washington. Bynum spent most of that time and distance exploring the outdoors and photographing wildlife at each stop.
The best photographs from his 14-year road trip will be on display through May in the WSU Animal Health Library, Wegner Hall 170. An opening reception is planned 4:30-6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in the library.
The twice-yearly Art in the Library exhibit features animal-themed works, typically from artists with a connection to the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine. For more information, visit
For more about Bynum and his work, please visit