‘Book a Librarian’ Service Matches Students with Individualized Research Help

WSU freshmen and sophomores who need help with their 100- and 200-level class projects and papers can book their own librarian to figure out a research strategy going in.
To schedule a one-on-one meeting, visit http://libraries.wsu.edu/Book-A-Librarian. Meetings must be made 24 hours in advance. Students receive an email confirmation with the librarian’s name for the date and time requested, then meet at the Terrell Library reference desk. Sessions may last about 45 minutes or less, depending on the student’s need.
Participating librarians include Jane Scales, Gabriella Reznowski, Marilyn Von Seggern, Erin Hvizdak, Christy Zlatos and Corey Johnson.
“This service gives students an opportunity to sit down and work a bit more in-depth with a librarian,” said Scales, electronic projects librarian and the program’s co-organizer. “It’s just one of several ways students can get help on their research. WSU librarians offer 24/7 chat assistance, one-on-one help at the reference desk, and often visit classes to give research instruction.
“Sometimes, though, students have questions that require a bit more time to unravel and examine,” she said.
Book-a-Librarian sessions will help students:
- Focus their topic and get general suggestions on how to proceed with their research.
- Help them learn how to search the best databases for their assignment.
- Better understand resources they have already found.
- Find two or three resources suitable for their current assignment.
Help for WSU juniors and seniors is also available by contacting librarian subject specialists at http://libguides.libraries.wsu.edu/.