Now through August 20th: After-Work Creativity Displayed at Library

Clock in, clock out, five days a week, eight hours a day (frequently more) is the common work routine. But a WSU Libraries’ exhibit looks at the creative lives of library employees after the workday is done.
“After Hours 2: What Do You Do?” will run in the Terrell Library atrium display case through July 30. Started last year as a nod to “Mythbusters” TV show cohost Adam Savage and his 10 Commandments for Makers (, the “After Hours” exhibit has expanded its focus from the creative works of staffers to all interests and activities.
So in addition to arts and crafts, Terrell passersby will see roller derby skates, Zentangles, iced cookies, kung fu weapons, a great-grandmother’s cherished recipe for apple cake and more in the display.
“We wanted to encourage folks to show off what they do with their time when they’re not at the day job,” said Wendy Blake, a library and archives paraprofessional in the technical services unit and exhibit co-organizer. “We are all so very much more than what we collect a paycheck for, and it’s a good thing to remind ourselves of that once in a while.”
For the full story, visit To read profiles of the nine exhibitors, go to the libraries’ Facebook page at
Update: Exhibit extended through August 20th.