WSU Libraries, Writing Center Collaborate on Tutorial Sessions

Washington State University students who come to the Terrell Library reference area for answers now have another service available to them: consultations with Writing Center tutors for help with research papers.
The new service runs 1-3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays in the Terrell reference area next to the group study rooms.
Government information librarian Marilyn Von Seggern and Writing Center director Brooklyn Walter started the sessions as a way for students to find reference sources and writing help in one place.
“It’s becoming really popular for academic libraries to combine student services with the library space,” Von Seggern said, citing the examples of Central Washington University and Western Washington University libraries. “If students can find immediate help in the most convenient place, they’re more likely to follow through on getting that help.”
“A writing center and libraries are two resources that should be intertwined,” Walter said. “We teach students the mechanics of writing, and they teach us about their research topics. It’s a cool exchange of ideas.”
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