UNIV 300 Teaches Students to be Selective Researchers

WSU Libraries and the Office of Undergraduate Education will team up for a class this spring that teaches university students to be more selective about the information they get off the World Wide Web – and to become more effective researchers in the process.
A one-credit course first offered in 1995, UNIV 300: Accessing Information for Research helps students better understand the modern information landscape, including scholarly communication and the Internet. They learn important concepts and skills related to information access and evaluation, such as advanced database search techniques and choosing sources that are credible, relevant and accurate.
UNIV 300 will be offered Monday and Wednesday afternoons Jan. 12-March 4. Priority registration for spring courses begins Monday, Nov. 10.
For more about the course, read the article at https://news.wsu.edu/2014/04/14/course-teaches-students-to-be-selective-researchers/#.VF0lCcmEzng.