WSU Libraries Change for End-of-Term Loans
The WSU Libraries are working to get our new system to correspond to how we do business, specifically with regard to the semester-long loans we have used in the past for faculty, graduate students, staff, professional students, and honors students. To accommodate patron needs, we have changed the dates for semester-length loans to be renewed or returned, based on University-assigned “expiration dates” that reflect current appointments and class registration.
The current expiration date for people affiliated with WSU in spring 2014 is Sept. 29, 2014. On the first day of classes for fall 2014 (Aug. 25, 2014), the University changed current affiliates’ expiration dates to Feb. 12, 2015. Our new system will not allow us to check out books past an affiliate’s expiration date.
Instead of being due on the first day of the semester, as has been done in the past, semester-length loans are now due on affiliates’ “expiration dates.” Unfortunately, this first time, the expiration date is coming up soon. When you renew again in September (or any time after Aug. 25), your books will be due in February. When you renew at the beginning of spring 2015, your items will then be due Sept. 28, 2015.
I apologize for any inconvenience you experience in renewing your books two times in quick succession. The bonus is that the University only issues two expiration dates a year, so in the future, you will only renew your books twice a year. You should receive courtesy notices before your books come due in September.
Please remember that Summit and Interlibrary Loan materials are nonrenewable.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
—Susan Shipman, Manager, Access Services, Holland and Terrell Libraries,