April 23: National Poetry Month Activities Start at WSU Libraries

One of Lorena O’English’s favorite poems from her “misspent youth” is a cautionary tale about two maiden sisters, one of whom falls under the spell of goblin merchants selling fruit too good to be true. Only the strength of her sister’s love saves her.
Creepiness factor aside, “Goblin Market,” composed by English poet Christina Rossetti and published in 1862, is partly why O’English, social services librarian at Washington State University Libraries, has helped to organize events that celebrate National Poetry Month every April for eight years.
“We’re celebrating poets as creators,” O’English said. “So we want students and others facing the stress of finals and the end of the school year to stop, take a break and be creative too.”
O’English, instruction librarian Holly Luetkenhaus, humanities librarian Erica Nicol and graphic designer Amy Grey have planned three poetry-related activities for the rest of the month and early May: Poem in Your Pocket Day on Wednesday, April 23; Dada Poem Day on Wednesday, April 30; and Spine Poetry Day on Wednesday, May 7. All events take place in the WSU Libraries’ new book area on the Terrell Atrium first floor.
For more on the activities, read the WSU News story.