Feb. 27: Learn about Handheld Devices at ‘Gadget Menagerie’
Washington State University Libraries will hold free, public training 1-3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in Terrell 20E about e-readers, tablets and other handheld devices – how they work, what they have in common and basic tips. WSU Libraries’ staff, in an earlier session in the same room, will learn troubleshooting and ways to help patrons with their devices.

“I hope people will become more familiar with the types of devices that are available and the capabilities they have,” said Joel Cummings, training co-organizer and head of collection development at WSU Libraries. “Even those who’ve used these devices extensively can pick up a tip they didn’t know before.”
WSU is one of 40 institutions statewide offering “Gadget Menagerie” through July in partnership with Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Those attending can bring their own devices or explore some on hand from the state library, including Kindles, Nooks, Galaxy tablets, iPads, Microsoft Surface and Chromebook.
The Gadget Menagerie is funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through the federal Library Services and Technology Act. For more information, including other state training locations, visit the secretary of state website at http://www.sos.wa.gov/office/osos_news.aspx?i=XTOpj8Z1ZkCZqjs6P5iewg%3D%3D.