White Rose Exhibit Details History of Resistance Movement
Starting Monday, Feb. 3, WSU Libraries will host a monthlong exhibit and related events on the White Rose, a student-led German resistance group formed during World War II.

In 1942 and 1943, University of Munich students led an underground campaign calling for the German people to actively resist the policies imposed by Nazism. The students and their professor were later arrested and executed for their actions. The exhibit is a remembrance of the resistance group, created by the Munich-based White Rose Foundation.
An opening reception with German history specialist David Clay Large is set for 4 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Terrell Atrium. A month-long film series and a noontime closing panel discussion on Friday, March 7, in the Honors College Lounge are also part of the exhibit.
For details, read the library guide on the White Rose, http://libguides.wsulibs.wsu.edu/whiterose or the WSU News article, http://news.wsu.edu/2014/01/27/feb-3-march-7-exhibit-films-talks-on-german-resistance/#.UulIs7S2yVo.