Library Instruction
WSU Librarians have designed library instruction to support and develop information literacy, working with students in different disciplines and at different levels of experience. Our instruction mission is to provide library users with the skills to discover, access, evaluate, use, and enjoy information sources as students and beyond. At WSU, information literacy is integrated into the Seven UCORE Learning Goals.
Library instruction sessions are specifically tailored to a class’s assigned research. As such, it is recommended that faculty schedule the session at least 7 days in advance. Further, it is expected that faculty will attend with their students. The faculty member’s presence emphasizes the importance of research and ensures that the instruction meets the needs of the class.
Schedule a Class
Library faculty offer classes designed for the specific informational needs of your course and your particular assignments.
Types of Instruction Support
WSU Libraries offers a number of options for instructors and faculty who wish to integrate information literacy instruction into their courses.
Information Literacy Plan
Collaborate with librarians to identify an area to prioritize during instruction session(s).
Ongoing Support for Your Students
Librarians are available to work with your students one-on-one at any stage of the research process. They can stop by the Reference Desk in any of the WSU Libraries. For virtual help, click on Ask Us! on the Libraries’ website.