A Message from WSU Libraries Dean Regarding Hold on Journal Cancellations
With assistance from WSU Provost Daniel Bernardo and use of one-time money, the WSU Libraries have been able to put off journal cancellations planned for this year. Each year, even when we receive increases in funding, we must cut journals due to price inflation from publishers. This problem has been growing in severity for years and impacts even the largest universities across the country.
By reviewing use data and feedback, we worked to identify titles for cancellation that would cause the least impact on research and teaching, but after years of continual cutting, this year’s list contained many titles whose omission caused great concern. This temporary reprieve will allow us time for a campus-wide discussion of the issues and ensure that everyone is aware of the process and limitations involved in the procurement of these resources.
Clearly, a top-25 university must have an outstanding library, and such a library requires the resources to support its research and teaching mission.
—Jay Starratt, WSU Libraries Dean